03 April 2013

Josiah Manuel Valles

My sister-in-law has been very ready (and not, at the same time) to have her baby boy. Well, he's finally here! He's such an itty bitty bundle and he melts my heart. His cries are - for now - so quiet and adorable and makes me pooch my lower lip when I hear it.

Since he is my nephew, my primary purpose to visit him at the hospital was to, of course, hold and cuddle him, but I also wanted to document his first day on planet earth. I didn't want to give him up to take pictures, but I just had to. I have the rest of his life to spoil him rotten, right?!?

Congratulations, Priscilla and Ricardo! Josiah is a sweetheart!


  1. He's adorable! I miss newborns! Almost...not the lack of sleep...THAT I do not miss =D

  2. He is so sweet. Wonderful pictures.
    ~Kelly Lawson
